Welcome To youth in forestry

Empowering Youth
participation in the Forestry
Sector, for Climate Action and
Sustainable Livelihoods

Sowing a greener future; together.

About Us

About Youth in forestry

Youth in Forestry is an organization that envisions a nation, where every young person recognizes the vital role of forests and actively contributes to its protection, restoration, and sustainable utilization



Our Objective is to address climate action while enhancing the youth livelihoods, by actively involving them in the restoration of our nation's ecosystem. Through our concerted efforts, we aim to extend our influence across various counties, by mobilizing the youth to join the forestry sector and actively participate in the restoration of our natural environment..
Nationwide Tree Planting Day to plant 10,150,000 trees in 290 constituencies

In alignment with the presidential commitment of planting 15 Billion trees by 2023, Youth in Forestry and the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, in partnership with various stakeholders, is set to host the Nationwide Tree Planting Day in April 2024. Our ambitious goal for this event is to make history by planting an astounding 10,150,000 trees in a single day, with a target of 35,000 trees to be planted in each of Kenya's 290 constituencies.

Kenya Youth in Forestry Conference

Our premier initiative is The Kenya Youth in Forestry Conference, held from May 17th to 19th, 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. This significant event was endorsement by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry and sponsorship from UNDP Kenya; delegates at this conference were youth from across the country. The conference featured various engaging elements, including presentations, short films showcase, panel discussions, a dedicated exhibition area, and a masterclass. Find the report here.. Find the report here.

Tree Planting at Kibiku Forest

On the 19 th May2023, The Kenya Youth in Forestry Conference culminated with a tree planting event at Kibiku Forest, where 360 delegates planted 3,000 tree seedlings.

Regional Capacity Building & Skill Development

The Youth in Forestry Regional Capacity Building & Skill Development program is a direct response, to the resolutions passed during The Kenya Youth in Forestry Conference. These Regional Capacity Building activities will serve as a platform at the grassroots, for young entrepreneurs to expand their knowledge, develop essential skills, and build networks within the forestry & Allied sectors, for climate action & Sustainable Livelihoods..

Sowing a Greener Future Together

Our commitment to Ecosystem restoration, Youth in Forestry took advantage of the short rainy season that beginning in October to December, to rallied youths from across the country to take advantage of the season and plant trees in their local communities. Leading by example, on the 27 th October 2023, we planted 3,000 tree seedlings at Kona Baridi, Ngong Forest, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

The Evergreen Tree Planting Rally.

During the Africa Climate Summit (ACS) held in Nairobi, Kenya, which was preceded by the Africa Youth Climate Assembly (AYCA), we organized a special event in the evening of the final day. Delegates from around the world, who had convened for these impactful gatherings, came together for a meaningful tree planting initiative. Together, we planted 200 trees at Lenana High School, leaving an Evergreen mark on our journey towards a greener future.

Mission and Vision

youth in forestry Mission and Vision

To catalyze youth-led initiatives that transforms the forestry landscape, driving economic growth, social equity, and environmental sustainability.

To create a dynamic platform for young forestry enthusiasts to network, collaborate, and amplify their impact in safeguarding Kenya's forests and combatting climate change.

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Our pillars

Innovative Strategies in
Our Approach to Transformation

We belief that transformation requires ingenuity, collaboration, and a willingness to explore the uncharted, Youth in forestry stands dedicated to propelling Kenya's forests into a dynamic era of growth, resilience, and environmental equilibrium

Our aim here is to increase forest cover, enhance biodiversity, and improve ecosystem services. Our focus therefore is to undertake initiatives to restore and rehabilitate degraded forest areas. The activities under this pillar include; tree growing campaigns, agroforestry projects, and promoting sustainable land management practices.

In this area, Our organisation works towards mitigating the impacts of climate change and building resilience in Kenya's forests. Our focus involves advocacy for climate-smart forestry practices, promoting renewable energy alternatives, implementing sustainable forest management techniques, and raising awareness about the link between forests and climate change

Under this Pillar, we focus on empowering young people with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to actively engage in forestry-related activities. This includes: - training programs, workshops, Masterclass and conferences, mentorship opportunities, and entrepreneurship development to equip youth with forestry management, conservation, and innovation skills.

Our aim under this pillar is to foster community ownership, promote sustainable practices, and enhance the understanding of the benefits of forests. This involves organizing community outreach programs, educational campaigns, and collaborative projects with local stakeholders. And because youth will be shaping the future that we desire, we shall be Engaging local communities and raising awareness about the importance of forests and their sustainable management.

This pillar focuses on creating an enabling environment for youth to actively contribute to forestry initiatives at a broader scale. And as such, we join forces with other sector participants in Advocating for meaningful youth inclusion in forest-related policies, programs, and decision-making processes. The organisation will work towards influencing policy frameworks, collaborating with governmental and non-governmental organizations, and strengthening partnerships with relevant institutions.

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  • (+254) 720-374-883
  • (+254) 720-850-440
  • green@youthinforestry.com
  • youthinforestry.com
  • Nairobi Kenya

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Youth Led
Youth Service

    March 21st 2024

    Commemorating international day of forests.

    past event

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  • Kenya Youth in Forestry Conference 2023

    17th - 19th May 2023

    The inaugural edition of the Kenya Youth in Forestry Conference was organized by Youth in Forestry Organization. Whose Mission is to encourage youth participation in the Forestry sector, for Climate Action and Sustainable Livelihoods.

    past event

    Download report